The Rebellious Son

Growing up as the quiet kid in the back of the class prone me to often draw pictures to entertain myself. This past time gave me a want and need to see things from a specific perspective... the perspective to which I was in the hero in the lime light, and served a means of escaping the idea that I didn't really have many friends due to my shyness. My father being a talented painter and artist himself made being a hand drawing artist at home also difficult, as it was often that I would be subject to his need to correct me as well...

Hitting my teens, I struggled finding a way of feeling good about my artistic renderings and in moments of rebellion to my father's ridicules of my art at home ( and most likely an exercise of my teenage angst ), I decided to engage in photography to escape my father's expert advice, and to also force myself to socialize with people (as I was always a bit shy). This, mixed in with the integration of technology ultimately allowed me to paint subjects into the best presentation and tell their stories in the illustrative luster in which I always wanted to see life as a little boy.

Melding technique, creative framing, powered by the need to tell a story, and giving kinetic energy to a moment ultimately allows the quiet side of me reach out and connect with the world in my own special way... one moment at a time.

Thank you for taking the see the world with me, and every day I get to do this, I count my blessings for another chance to whisper a picture into the world.

Dad, you are an amazingly wonderful painter... but take that~!

Thanks for the push. Love ya pops.



“Dominic shot a leadership training video at my company. He was superlative! Incredible attention to detail. Kind and gracious. After the multi-hour video shoot, he stayed an extra hour to shoot photos. Outstanding quality and creativity. Highest possible recommendation.”